World's Largest Container Ship The CSCL Globe Docks At Felixstowe Port...A tug boat helps maneuver the world's largest container ship, the CSCL Globe, operated by China Shipping Container Lines Co., ahead of docking at the Port of Felixstowe, a subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., in Felixstowe, U.K., on Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015. The inflation rate in the euro area fell below zero for the first time in more than five years, bolstering the case for more European Central Bank stimulus. Photographer: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg
china shipping line container
World’s Largest Container Ship The CSCL Globe Docks At Felixstowe Port…A tug boat helps maneuver the world’s largest container ship, the CSCL Globe, operated by China Shipping Container Lines Co., ahead of docking at the Port of Felixstowe, a subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., in Felixstowe, U.K., on Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015. The inflation rate in the euro area fell below zero for the first time in more than five years, bolstering the case for more European Central Bank stimulus. Photographer: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg

[Xinhua Net] 중국 Qinzhou항에서 미얀마로 오는 선박 운행이 시작된다. 새롭게 생기는 선박 스케줄은 홍콩, 싱가포르, 말레이시아, 베트남을 거쳐 미얀마로 오게 된다. 첫 스케줄은 Qinzhou, Beihai, Fangchenggan항을 거쳐서 미얀마로 오게 된다. 중국에서 양곤까지 오는데 12일이 걸리며 기존 항로보다 7일정도 단축된다.

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